Monday, February 27, 2012

sar's shower

we had a surprise shower for my little sis the other day. i told her to get all dolled up and that i needed her for a photo shoot. i think she had some suspicions... but oh well.

the theme was gray, yellow & white. (the colors of her nursery)

lent had already started, those homemade cinnamon rolls and blueberry tart were KILLING me.

she got loads of cute baby girl stuff. now the countdown is on!

i'm excited!!!


Laura said...

the colors
the food
the decorations

all of it so pretty!

thanks for sharing..I am in between homework and cooking and laundry and needed a quick "look at something pretty and get inspired" moment...

this did it for me :-)

the song, too, is pretty....

Randi said...

love, love , love it all! yay for sara!!! and, i love your feb dinner. you are SO inspiring!

flourish by mindy said...

oops...that was from me. the joys of sharing a blog space with your pre-teen. :)

Anonymous said...

it was super darling. everything about it.