Monday, September 14, 2015


is anybody out there? i guess i've been a little busy and haven't taken the time to record my doings. let's see.... i'll have to do a major catch up... but here's the gist...

school let out.
we drove thru 15 states and 1 district to see the white house, which we did not get a tour. AGAIN.
we chilled. (or burned, az summers)
p & i somehow miraculously arranged childcare for all 6 and went to london with friends for 11 days.
we chilled.
kids went back to school.
we started some house projects.
they turned into major projects and we moved to my moms for 2 weeks. (she was outta town)
we moved some kids around & redecorated their rooms.
i gotta go now to pick up kids.
and R needs a towel right now.
mom... mom.... MOM.... MOOOOOOMMMMMMMM