Monday, June 13, 2011

wait, what?

pscrubs and i recently stumbled upon a weekend sans kids. we couldn't believe it. we dream of weekends without kids and all the quick trips we would take, things we would do... get things done without having to load all the kids in the car and drive them around all day. actually be able to finish conversations... yada yada yada. we LOVE being with our kids, but sometimes it would just be nice to spend a few days alone together.
anyway, when it came down to it, here we were with an entire weekend to ourselves and we could not decide what to do. we tossed around several ideas. up until the day before we dropped off the kids, it had been narrowed down to 3 choices. a staycation, las vegas or seattle.
we ended up choosing to have a weekend.............
oooohh...... can you stand it?????......

a staycation.

i know, not that exciting, but we ended up having an awesome weekend. we went to a birthday party that ended up being a blast. we stayed in the hotel that we had our wedding reception in 13 years ago. paul told them that info and they upgraded us to a honeymoon suite... for free :) always a plus. we had a great time at the party and then walked back to our hotel room. we woke up the next morning at..... 11am. we couldn't believe we had slept in that late. we raced down to the restaurant to get breakfast. luckily they still made it for us. i really needed my coffee.
we drove around aimlessly for the rest of the day. running in to stores i always want to go to but never do, went to 2 fun restaurants... the chicago hamburger co. (i had a groupon) and the duce. so fun and retro.
we saw midnight in paris. such a cute movie. i totally recommend it, but again i love anything about paris, so there you have it.
we loved being so carefree and just making plans as we went about our day. we finally decided to go to aj's and make our own dinner at home. it was delicious. shrimp, scallops and veggies. we listened to old paris tunes from the movie :)
the next morning i had to go get my baby. i didn't sleep as well as i had hoped i would. i really didn't like the house being so empty at night. i just kept thinking of their empty beds. no likey. i decided i really like the idea of my kiddos being tucked into their own beds, sleeping soundly and then i can finally relax.

note to self: always get a hotel room for a staycation.

we finally picked up the chilren. got them home and tucked them in.
reunited and it feels so good.

however, i am making plans for the next time the stars align and we have another weekend together. i'm thinking seattle...

1 comment:

The Richardson's said...

That sounds just lovely!!! I miss those lazy days too...aimless and without purpose.

ahhhh. someday