Monday, June 13, 2011

L's sacrament weekend...

my sweet little L just made her first communion and confirmation this sunday. it was very special because it was on pentecost. she was so excited for this day to finally come. she had been preparing all year.

she asked our friend Audrey to be her sponsor and by divine intervention, Audrey happened to be flying into town that weekend. it was a pentecost miracle.

the girls were very excited for L, and very hyped up. we had our whole family there to watch her!
a failed attempt for a family photo... D refused to be in the picture, you can see her hiding behind P. S kept running away...then just cried when P picked her up. sweetness.
at least L was agreeing to some photographs. i knew she was feeling very special. she said her favorite part of the whole day was at church.
yes, i see that typo. beautiful. but i'm too lazy to go back into photoshop and change it :)

she was lucky enough to have auntie sarah make her a beautiful cake.
she wore her dress all day. and i mean all day. she came in all sweaty at one point and said her veil had fallen off. i said i would hang it up. she said can i still wear it? will you pin it back in?
we found a dress in the jcrew catalogue that inspired us to make her dress. it had a beautiful big flower on the front, but i just couldn't figure it out. we opted for the simple look. it was really hard to find cotton organdy. but we finally did and it definitely gave it a vintage look and feel.
i had bought her veil for her maybe 1.5 years ago as a dress up toy. i didn't realize that she had never played with it, she was storing it in her closet for this specific day. and for her wedding day she says. she's quite the romantic.

great job L! we are so proud of you. you are a beautiful, sweet, graceful, sensitive and holy little girl!! we love you!!!!


Peace and Love said...

great photos of the day Nell! I took all those family photos shots - I could tell it wasn't going to work out so well, so I just kept snapping away....just for fun..

flourish by mindy said...

she looks like a little angelic bride!!! love all the photos. beautiful! And, once again - i'm so impressed with your sewing skills!!!