Monday, April 27, 2009

photo shoot

L and D had a big time photo shoot this weekend. L spent hours getting D all dolled up and they finally found the perfect outfit ( it is the same one they usually end up with, but are always so pleased when they come back to it that it's like a brand new outfit all over again) L posed D in various places in the yard. They even used my antique iron gate as a prop. It must have been heavy for them, the yard proves it (dragging marks). Also, S had been diligently working everyday on her hole to China. She doesn't even know what that means, but it's what her sisters said they were doing.


The Richardson's said...

who took the pics? L? So cute!!

Let's hang this week, I have something I want to ask you...

flourish by mindy said...

Like mother, like daughters! So cute!!!

Staci Kramer said...

These pics are priceless. Especially number 6. I get her personality to a tee even though I have never met her. what a fun girl. Your family is gorgeous and you are so talented...