Monday, April 13, 2009


top 10 things that make me happy ( especially this morning)...

1. all the pretty Easter flowers

2. S's new expression. i know it's horrible, but it cracks me up every time.
3. when the kids get up early enough, eat, get all ready and have time to snuggle before the carpool picks them up.

4. going into the kids' rooms after they have left for school and seeing that they made their beds without being asked.

5. remembering to set the coffee timer at night so it's ready to go in the morning.

6. pastel colored peanut m&ms.
7. knowing that we have a park playdate scheduled and we are going to play in this beautiful weather.

8. packing lunches in the kids adorable lunch boxes my friend robin gave them.

9. making my bed with the new clearanced shams i got from anthropologie.

10. thinking about anthropologie.


flourish by mindy said...

I have been out of the blog world for a few days..finally got caught up! All of those things make me happy too....still need to get to Anthropologie, though. And, I love the Easter post. Did you make the girls' dresses? Too cute! And...the bees are back??? Yikes!

The Richardson's said...

You know what made me happy today? Having a play date with one of my favorite people! (Especially when I was having the worst morning!)

Thanks for the fun times. I so need to make a "happy" list...