Wednesday, July 27, 2011

some (more) vaca highlights

first stop was gram and gramp's house.

D wanted to go on a special walk with mommy and daddy. she had the idea to gather flowers to make a bouquet for grammy. we walked around and enjoyed the beautiful greenery and amazing flowers that grow everywhere. we told her to remember this special walk forever and she said she would.

did we stop at a flower shop? no, these beauties are mostly from the alley. yeah, not fair.
everyone loves grammy's rubber band ball :)
beautiful flowers.

catching fireflies was a definite favorite pastime.

my gramps has been working hard restoring this antique sewing machine.

my favorite ladies. goofing around.
how cute are these guys?
need i explain?
the girls were in heaven playing "tea party" with their dolls and auntie's vintage toys.
on one of the days, i packed 7 children in the car and we visited the indianapolis children's museum. it was awesome. one of the favorite stops was the barbie exhibit. we found some interesting things...

barbie's office... how can i help you?
they seriously stayed in this position for an hour. i had to pry them away.
for some reason the girls liked it more than the boys. they seemed physically uncomfortable. i was worried they would hyperventilate.
we couldn't believe our eyes!!!
we had so much fun hangin' with the T's. i am really going to miss them! they were so gracious to welcome a welter invasion in their new home for so long.

S enjoying special time with her god-mother :)
this was one of my favorite parts of our trip. i have so many memories of running around in indiana forests with my cousins in the humid summertime. i loved the sounds of the creeks, the trees, the vines... everything about it. i was so glad we were able to do this with the kids.the white river at holliday park. my fav. my uncle and grandma accompanied us on this trip. i had the wrong shoes on and walked thru a huge mud pit, but other than that... so fun.

the last week we were so lucky to get the kids signed up for vbs. M and B pulled some strings and got the lovelies on the list. i really enjoyed dropping them off in the morning and driving around with paul and baby R. we went out to breakfast, drove around, just enjoyed the calm.... it was heaven. oh and of course the kids had fun at vbs too :)
one morning we went to the scottish rite cathedral. i had always wanted to go in and so we did. we took a tour. it was so creepy. i don't really know anything about the masons, but i'm pretty sure the holy grail is hidden in there somewhere. i asked the guide to cut the cr@p and show me some secret passageways, but he denied their existence. he finally said he would show me a secret exit, i got all excited and then he led me to the elevator. not cool. but the building was amazing.
me and my baby.
i sure am going to miss the beautiful midwest summertime.


The Richardson's said...

You are such a good photographer...I am jealous of your talents. Plus your fam is just oh so cute.

AND I would have spent hours in the Barbie section too...I love those things.

flourish by mindy said...

OK. I love all of your vaca posts! I'm so jealous!!! The green surrondings, the flowers, the 4th, the homes...EVERYTHING!

Peace and Love said...

The photo of the girls on the Barbie phones reminds me of your stint as the secretary at AzCare

I remember you and your brother and sister and cousins running wildly over the trails and in the water and through the cave at McCormick's Creek in the humid, green Indiana summer time! I remember doing the same thing at Holliday Park with my cousins. Great memories.

Anonymous said...

i like gram's loli.