Monday, January 17, 2011

mlk day 2011

i just have to note what a beautiful, peaceful day we had in welter world. the kids were off today and we certainly celebrated our freedom. we slept in a little, met some friends at the park and stayed for 3.5 hours. when we returned home, the kids played in the backyard until the sun started going down. paully made a delicious homemade dinner... pork loin with a rub i got from the farmers market, fresh mashed potatoes, sauteed garlic spinach (i made that) and homemade applesauce made by paul's parents... with apples from their apple tree i assume. the kids cleaned their plates and had seconds. and had apples for dessert. it makes me feel so happy when they eat well. we got them all cleaned up, lunches made for the morning and are now sleeping soundly in fresh clean sheets. i just finished my 20 minute work out video... i hate jillian michaels...... i just do the work out with my eyes closed.....

but i can say that i feel healthier and the scale says that i have lost 10 lbs. not sure how accurate that is, but it makes me happy anyhow. halfway through the month and still going strong. i do have some pretty strong callings for a corona now and then then tho.....

here are some pics from our day. january is a pretty perfect month in az!!

now let's see what tomorrow brings....


Mrs. Santini said...

Oh how i miss me some welter's...Good job with dinner, that sounded yummy. Have a great rest of your week.

The Richardson's said...

What a perfect day!! You deserve it- today and everyday.

p.s.- I love little R's shirt. so tough!

flourish by mindy said...

what a fabulous day! love days like that. go girl!!! 10 lbs? That is awesome (not that you needed to...but, i know how good you must feel!) miss you!
(r is getting so big!)

Peace and Love said...

what great photos, nell. looks like you had a relaxing and happy day.

susiek said...

It looks so beautiful there in AZ. Today in IN it was 40 degrees and it rained and all the snow went away. I read your post and just as I started looking at the pictures, the music came in. It was perfect timing.

drmom said...

Oh those photos... I miss the Welters and the Weather both! We didn't do ANYTHING differently on MLK Day but I did make sure Evan knew who Martin Luther King was! And how are you loosing this 10 lbs (and when did you start) .. what is the story because I want to come home to AZ looking svelt and it isn't happening on its own. I need motivation and tips (like other than stay away from the wine and chocolate).