Sunday, January 30, 2011

heart broken

my heart is breaking tonight for a friend who lost her precious 5 yr. old daughter this evening. she went to sleep and didn't wake up. this little girl was in my mary's club and in my atrium class. she was so beautiful and so sweet and it is hard to believe that this has really happened. i had randomly been looking at pictures and looked at one of her just 10 minutes before i got the call. so she was so freshly on my mind when i was asked to pray for her. i am so heart broken for her family. it is my worst nightmare.
this week i was listening to the song we live by superchick in the car and i, for some reason, really paid attention to the lyrics. it talks of holding your kids close and recognizing that each day we have here is a gift. it also makes me think of the song held by natalie grant. another beautiful and sad song about being held up in impossible times.
as i went back to sewing and finishing a project that one of my daughters waited until the very last minute to do... one of those... "oh mom! i have this huge project that needs to be sewn and finished and is due in the morning" type of comments.... i am not as angry as i might have been otherwise. with tears burning in my eyes, i am so grateful to be up late finishing this project for her.


Jenna said...

I am so sorry Nell. We Will keep your friends in
Our prayers. Life is so unpredictable and hard sometimes.

flourish by mindy said...

ohhh...i am sorry! i will keep your friends in my thoughts. so, so sorry...

Mattie said...

Oh, Nellie. :-( I'm sorry to hear such sad news. Prayers and love to you and the little girls family.