Wednesday, March 3, 2010

big D turns 5!

happy birthday my little dalai lama!!!!!

this girl started her birthday off right... candles in her breakfast!
she got to be queen of the day at preschool. she brought in her birthday snack and her show and share. she chose her sister's pink soccer ball. she doesn't play soccer, doesn't like soccer, never watches anyone play soccer... but that's what she wanted to bring.
enjoying her birthday popsicle....
even great grammy got to come to preschool for a little bit. one little girl went right up to her and said... "who are you?"
daddy picked the birthday girl up from school. she got a big piece of chocolate cake and a kazoo from changing hands. then they went home and played on the jumpoline.
we went to eat at her favorite pizza place for dinner... pesto's. another candle and song for the birthday girl.
her big activity for the day was getting her ears pierced!! she was so brave, she didn't even cry!
her big sissy held her hand for support...
there they are.. a little red.... but pierced!!!

a mini 5 yr. old photo shoot......


The Richardson's said...

One of my favorite little girls for sure!!!!!

Can't believe she is 5!!!!!

flourish by mindy said...

love the pics! we hold a special place in our hearts for this little 5 year old!!!

sarah said...

cutie! she was a busy girl on her big day.
it's a gazoo.

Anonymous said...

Awwww...what a perfect birthday for a 5-year-old! I bet she LOVES having pierced ears. Such a cutie!

Lorie said...

Happy Birthday to D! VERY CUTE pics!