Wednesday, May 6, 2009

mixed feelings

i put my 8 yr. old on a bus this morning. she is going to a camp in California for 3 days!!! i am so exctied for her, i want her to have this experience, but i can't ignore this feeling i have deep down inside. i miss her already. the camp is very structured and very informational. she will have so many hands on experiences. and i am all about that! this is just the first time she's gone off by herself. ( along with all the other 3rd graders) i put some little surprises in her backpack. she should be pretty pumped while digging thru her bags on the way there. i guess i'll just have to stay positive, not think about it too much, and look forward to her safe arrival home. i gave her a camera to document her trip. i can''t wait to see what she comes up with.


flourish by mindy said...

Ohhhh...I've been thinking about you. I know how you feel - but, she will be fine and have awesome time! Should I bring you some cookies? :)

The Richardson's said...

Wow! what a great experience for S...

I am sure it will be super hard for you but just remember how much fun those trips were when you were a kid. Some of my best memories were trips I went on with school or other groups without my parents.

If Mindy is bringing you cookies, I want in on that action, haha!

Lorie said...

Just reading this now and boy it makes me sad for you! I always get emotional. I am sure you said your prayers for her. Just know she will be ok and she will have FUN! I bet you can't wait for her to come back! Share her pics if you can/want.

drmom said...

Oh you poor thing! I don't envy you this week but can you imagine what it would be like if she DIDNT get to go? Ugly I bet...

Jay & Leta Palmer said...

Glad she made it back safely! :) Sorry we missed you too! Know you have a very busy week/weekend. We'll catch you next time we are in town. :)