Thursday, August 28, 2008

Little D

Things you may hear if D is upset with you:

1. Fine, I'm not your best friend anymore.
2. I'm gonna draw a horrible, horrible picture of you.
3. I'm gonna throw your jacket in the garbage.
4. You're not for Jesus.
5. I hate..... (then doesn't finish the sentence because she knows that's crossing the line)(may occasionally mumble under her breath an article of clothing you are wearing, usually shirt)

Things you may hear if D is happy with you:

1. You're my best friend.
2. You're adowable.
3. You're beautiful.
4. Hey, where'd ya get that shirt?
5. What are you doin' here?
6. Yippee do and pinky swear?
7. Can I have some gum?
8. Ooh, I love you.


sixwinks said...

I can just hear D saying all of those things! Of course she said ALL of those sweet things to me the other day on the phone! Hey btw- going to GA's PPA's convention in Sept! So excited!

flourish by mindy said...

Ha! I love it! I hope she says yippee do and pinky swear to me someday!