Sunday, March 13, 2011


is it too early for my 4 girls to be p.m.s. ing? the attitude is driving me crazy. i'm sure it will get better from here ;) but really, why can't they just ALWAYS be nice to eachother? they are mostly nice, but i want them to ALWAYS be nice and get along. is that too much to ask?


The Richardson's said...

um...what can I say to be supportive and helpful...


you will be done with pms in about 12 years. that is not so long, haha.

Hope they skip this stage for you. It sucks being a girl sometimes...

Staci Kramer said...

hormones are a convenient scapegoat for the trials of parenting but I'm here to tell you as the mother of nothing but boys, they are neurotic and emotional at times no matter what shape that second chromosome comes in. There's no harder job and there is no more rewarding job.

Peace and Love said...

hmmmmm..... I kinda remember feeling the same way.......

Debbie said...

Oh Sweetie, I feel your pain! I wish I had the magic words to make it all better for you, I really do! But look at all that beauty in that chaos! Now the fun really begins...