Friday, December 16, 2011

winter days

when i think of my happy childhood, i think of many things, but one thing stands out for sure.

cabbage patch kids.

i still get excited when i see the logo, or those pudgy little arms reaching out towards me.

my kids think they are the ugliest dolls and have no desire whatsoever to play with them.


i spotted these beauties while doing a little christmas shopping the other day, i'm not sure why they are considered "vintage" but whatever. they make me happy :)

i couldn't pass these up. the red is a little muted, but still... cutest thing ever.

all this rain has been giving my girls the most beautiful wavy curls.

i'm jealous. it's just making me frizzy.
the girls were in a very low budget re-inactment of the nativity. it was little S's first play. she was thrilled to be a sheep. she was still talking to her friend before she noticed the play was over. oh well. she didn't mind. she just ran up to me and "baaaa'ed while holding her tail.

tonite we are having our traditional cousin sleepover. we just got back from caroling. they were awesome and were offered $$$ to come back tomorrow night during a christmas party.

they were pretty thrilled.


susiek said...

According to Etsy, "vintage" is anything made before 1992.

The Richardson's said...

WOW! I was never offered money to sing...guess my X Factor dreams are dashed...

flourish by mindy said...

I LOVED my cabbage patch kids!!! I still have them...somewhere! And, your ornament is darling!

Randi said...

yah my mom has a guy one she always wanted me to play but the diapers are awesome and lucky i want $ to sing!!!!! for money i would sing, dance, play the guitar and the piano all at once as long as i was getting paid!

sarah said...

low budget. haha.

Peace and Love said...

I remember feverishly wrestling those Cabbage Patch dolls away from other mothers trying to purchase them for their little darlings....

Peace and Love said...
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