Saturday, October 16, 2010


i don't know which is more frightening.....

this picture.... or.....

the amount of halloween oreos i have stuffed in my face.

the thing is, they are one of the only cookies i can eat because they do not contain dairy, soy or eggs. which is frightening in itself.
this picture is also frightening. i found this little gem when i went to wash my hands the other day.
this little baby is feeling much better this week thanks to the new plan we formed with the g.i. pediatric specialist.
however, because of the "crying and pain" issue, i have not been able to focus on all the fun fall crafts i have been wanting to do. i haven't even put out my velvet pumpkins. i also don't think i'll be able to pull off the awesome halloween costume i thought of for me and paully... thanks to all the cookies. but i'm not spilling... just in case i get the flu and lose 15 lbs. in the next 2 weeks.
i did have one fun crafting night with my friend Liz. nevermind the mi's... it had been a long day and pscrubs had just taken the kids to pick out a movie at blockbuster. L and I were celebrating the quiet :) (for the 15 min. they were gone)
i made a halloween banner and the kids made some cute spooooky crafts of their own...

my sis picked up this cute cupcake for her m-i-l for her birthday. very festive :)
she also got me this pumpkin at trader joe's. i sure do love it :)


flourish by mindy said...

you are too funny! hhmmm...what is in those cookies then??? come on spill the beans! what is the costume? :)

Peace and Love said...

makes me want to go buy some double stuffed orange oreos.....