Tuesday, June 15, 2010

i surrender

well, my strike didn't work out. as i suspected, it is not possible for me to be on strike. after a broken table (that i had just painted), broken closet doors, 2 bloody noses (due to picking, not assault), one bloody lip (due to assault), a broken dishwasher and 4 wild-eyed kids... i decided to surrender. turns out (my) kids really will act like wild monkeys when set free. i know it sounds like paul gets a bad rap in this whole thing, as he was in charge during this whole fiasco, but he was trying. the kids were fed, the kitchen and the basement had been cleaned. his technique just included a lot of free fun time and time to work it out themselves. in the end though, they really do need rules, consequences and basically mommy to run the show. as mean and no fun as i am, they do need me. most importantly, they need paul and i to work together as a team to do it right. they need us.
so, to start off monday with a fresh new start, we attended rosary club in the morning. then i drove their little tooshies (and my big tooshie) to confession. it was a cleansing experience. i felt better and motivated to tackle the day to day of summer, and the kids, well... i think they realized that they had better get it together or mommy will be driving them to confession every day if needed. we also had our first "being grounded" experience. no play dates, no tv/movies, no computer and no sweets for 2 days. just reading and writing. and an occasional meal or 2.
i am going to make a few charts and signs and junk like that.... blah blah blah... but i think we are starting to get things under control again.

although they may drive me bonkers sometimes... i do love them so.


sarah said...

oh nell. you had to try it..just to see how it would all go down.

The Richardson's said...

such a mean mommy...haha

don't worry! I have heard that kids like rules and toughness, even if they don't know that they like it...

my students liked me and I was pretty tough, so maybe its true...

flourish by mindy said...

you are the BEST mommy!!! and, I love that picture...D's face kills me! Love those girls!

Yvette said...

Oh Nellie! You are so awesome! Reading your blog just helps me prepare for numero cinco myself. I am not sure I can do it. Even the labor stuff, I'm starting to fill a bit nervous about that. Your giving me lots of hope though! Keep posting all the great advice.
I LOVE the pic!

Anonymous said...

Because they are ADORABLE! Hard to believe those darling faces can create such chaos, but I believe it because I have 4 monkeys of my own! LOVE that picture by the way!

Mattie said...

Sarah's right, Nellie. Consistent rules/exepectations and procedures will pay off. At least that's what I keep telling myself!

Peace and Love said...

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead
And when she was good
she was very, very good
But when she was bad,
she was horrid.

Hang in there Nell!

Lorie said...

LOVE that picture! So Beautiful!

Driving them to confession was a great idea. Wish mine were old enough for that. Hope the rest of your Summer goes well.

Jenna said...

How old do they have to be for confession? That's awesome. I think my boys would be so freaked by that they would be angels from then on lol! Maybe I should try that sometime!! I think you are doing awesome! 5 kids is a big family and a lot of work! Your kids are too cute!

Staci Kramer said...

I just caught up on your blog. I can't believe you had a BOY!!! Congrats! You are an inspiration. I love hearing your thoughts and adventures. I love the concept of going to confession and I admire you for teaching this to your family. Your post was also timely for me because I have totally been considering a strike lately but only on the condition that a professional cleaning crew will come through afterwards. Otherwise I know it will just be a huge mess that I will have to clean. One day soon your kids will be old enough that you can say "I want the house clean by the time I get home" and know that they are capable of doing it even if they aren't willing. Keep blogging (in all of your excessive spare time) I always love to read what you have to say and see your beautiful pictures.