Monday, February 15, 2010


Hello, it's P-Scrubs. I am guest blogging about the happenings around the house of W. FYI, W stands for women, not our last name. Though I am surrounded by 5 females (maybe even 6) with lots of emotion, tears and melt-downs, I thoroughly enjoy it. Shut up Dave.

I hope my girls grow up to be smart, happy loving people. Here is the one piece of advice I hope they remember - coming from one of the most awesome guys alive...

I try to nourish my flower girls in many ways. Here is a collection of Sunday breakfasts I have made my pregnant wife and family. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And I need to keep little Rex/Bertha happy in his/her womb...

My wife nourishes me too. For example, I have had to travel a lot recently. One morning at the butt-crack of dawn I started my car only to see my awesome wife had left this note for me! She’s the best.

Back in Jan. we went to freezing Indiana to celebrate the New Year.Here's our old house. Wow, that's small (TWSS). Can't believe we lived here.
Grammy made me the best breakfast EVER..... EVER (vw)! Can you tell we like breakfasts in our family? How does she make the bacon like that? It tastes so good.

The S family finally opened up our ‘wing!’ It was so much fun. We got to see this dog do this to that dog. Don't act like you're not impressed.

Not sure if S was staring at the horse in amazement or if her head was just propped up from the gynormo scarf?
I'm not sure what's more amazing, the fact that it was 1 degree (S & L didn’t mind it at all) or the fact that I actually have 4 bars...


The T family were gracious hosts as always, but their dog wasn’t. It molested me. I kind of liked it.

B d-dialed Mark’s dad at 3AM. That was hilarious. To us.

We went for a little stroll down to their lake and saw this weirdness. Can anyone guess what that thing is?

While we were picking up a new TV for the gp-rents I saw Edwtard in this highly thought provoking piece of cinematic magic, so I took a picture of it. What's up caterpilleryebrows? The title made me wonder how to be what? An incredibly bad actor but extremely rich and famous? My wife likes him. Whatever.

I also saw this book at a dollar store and thought of my wife. So hot.

It reminds me of when we first officially started dating. In fact we still celebrate the anniversary of that day. This year we went to dinner and then to her fav place (Anthro) and I really wanted to get her this apron. It would be just like on Anchorman.D’s preschool had “My guy and me.” She made me an awesome tie. I wore it to work the rest of the day. At my home office.
Saturday trip to Queen Creek. All the classic stops: Pork shop - best pork on the planet and this guy’s 'stache is for real. Olive Mill with live jazz, Irish step-dancing.

Mmmm, soda bread and duct tape. A perfect combination. I think I'd rather eat chocolate covered olives.

Well that was fun. I still enjoy reading my wife's blog way better than writing it myself. Later.


flourish by mindy said...

Great job brother w! I thorougly enjoyed reading your post...maybe you should start your own blog! :)

The Richardson's said...

Good job P! You are a great blogger. Pictures and everything...

Nellie- Hooray for finally updating your title!!! Your kiddos were very little in the old one- the new one is just beautiful!!!!!