Tuesday, February 9, 2010

daddy-daughter dance

this little girl got to go to a dance with her daddy last friday night. she was very excited.

he got her a beautiful corsage for their special date.
she was really, really, really excited.
some of her sisters might have been a little jealous...
but they will soon get to have a special date with daddy too.

later L told me that daddy burped on their date... she didn't think that was appropriate date behavior.

she forgave him because he took her to her all time favorite restaurant... the elephant bar.


The Richardson's said...

just precious. LOVE IT!

do they have mommy son dances??? I want one already, hehe.

flourish by mindy said...

tears. tears are running down my cheeks right now. {little emotional right now} so cute...

Anonymous said...


Lorie said...

L looks so SWEET. I bet she just loved being with her Dadddy all by herself. VERY good pictures too.