Saturday, November 28, 2009

turkey day 2009

some scenes from our thanksgiving...

my familia writing down some things they are thankful for... for our thanksgiving tree.

we had a small set back when we could not find the gravy bowl anywhere. we seriously were looking for 20 min. luckily uncle dave walked in at that time and knew exactly where it was. i don't know why it was stuffed inside the cheese grater.
the world's best chocolate cake on the world's cutest cake plate. courtesy of cousin joan. it was a wedding present to dave and sarah. i would steal it, but joan engraved their names and wedding date into the clay.
my turkey. that was stressful. i guess it turned out ok.
it's not a holiday without a banner....
pilgrim and indian pumpkin pie...
S wanted the drumstick. i belive she ate the whole thing.
i just had a little.... i don't eat much.
i'm thankful for this guy...
the kids table...
enjoying our feast...
our thanksgiving tree.
uncle john and my mama.
ma and sar.

sar and nat.
can't wait for leftovers!!! i was thankful for our walk after dinner. we saw a big owl, pretty exciting. i love thanksgiving.

1 comment:

The Richardson's said...

You know what I am thankful for?????

Having the most AWESOME friends ever- The Welter's!!! You are all the greatest.

P.S.- You and your sis need to start talking side by side belly pics. Seriously. How often does someone get to say that they are pregnant at the same time and due on the same day as their sis? Documentation is needed...