Saturday, November 28, 2009

turkey day 2009

some scenes from our thanksgiving...

my familia writing down some things they are thankful for... for our thanksgiving tree.

we had a small set back when we could not find the gravy bowl anywhere. we seriously were looking for 20 min. luckily uncle dave walked in at that time and knew exactly where it was. i don't know why it was stuffed inside the cheese grater.
the world's best chocolate cake on the world's cutest cake plate. courtesy of cousin joan. it was a wedding present to dave and sarah. i would steal it, but joan engraved their names and wedding date into the clay.
my turkey. that was stressful. i guess it turned out ok.
it's not a holiday without a banner....
pilgrim and indian pumpkin pie...
S wanted the drumstick. i belive she ate the whole thing.
i just had a little.... i don't eat much.
i'm thankful for this guy...
the kids table...
enjoying our feast...
our thanksgiving tree.
uncle john and my mama.
ma and sar.

sar and nat.
can't wait for leftovers!!! i was thankful for our walk after dinner. we saw a big owl, pretty exciting. i love thanksgiving.

Friday, November 27, 2009


there's nothing better than getting a $1 pony ride around the neighborhood on a sat. morning. courtesy of max the pony. i want one.

veteran's day 2009

we headed downtown for the veteran's day parade with our veteran this year. the girls did a good job picking out red, white and blue outfits. S was really into it.

my bro, the veteran. and cousin ava.

thank you to all the veterans!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

look who's back...

she even came back with a certificate of good health. the girls were pretty excited. i have to admit the whole process was kind of cute.

these girls were hoping to go to the gilbert rodeo this weekend. didn't happen.
fyi... go to safeway or albertsons for your turkey. costco has them for .89 a lb. and safeway had them for .39 a lb. and this was the line today at costco.... all the way back to the produce department!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Hop, Skip and a Jump Maternity Frock GROSGRAIN GIVEAWAY!!!!

The Hop, Skip and a Jump Maternity Frock GROSGRAIN GIVEAWAY!!!!

off to the hospital....

the doll hospital that is. Josefina was being a litle too daring while playing outside. her leg popped right off. it was very traumatic. lucky for me, they make the dolls so that they cannot be fixed unless you hot glue the leg back into the socket or send them in to the special "doll hospital" in Wisconsin. i hear she comes back with a balloon and a gown tho. i had to prepay for the surgery and put the payment in with the doll in the box... surprise surprise. hopefully she will be back in time for Christmas.

Friday, November 13, 2009


my dear sister friend, Mindy, and i went to check out the fall blissfest party. it was so cute. we had such a great time wandering around, checking out the talented vendors and dying over all the cute decorations.

i like horses....
it had a western theme which is why we are dressed kinda westerny.
we were excited...
cute decorations. i wanted to move into this little area. it looks like the kind of thing i used to try to make when i was a little girl. well i wanted it to look like this, maybe it did in my head, but since we lived in the desert and i played with cinder blocks and a horse water bucket, i doubt it even came close.

there was a cute girl there doing cute hairstyles. she styled and curled and even put in a very cute feathered clip or bow.

the best sugar cookie ever!!!
mindy's cute do...
my cute feather clip...
we sat at the table enjoying our lattes and cookie while watching a fashion show.
it was the perfect end to a perfect night when we got to meet nienie! she hugged me and said she loved mindy's cute hair. she and her husband are so cute, truly amazing and inspiring.
thanks for being my date sister!!!

photo shoot

S and D have been very busy with their own photo shoot. they were quiet and entertaining themselves so i let them go. they were very excited for me to see the pictures and they wanted to see them on the computer. aren't they adorable???????????????????????????????????
of course they had a special guest sit in for some of the shoot.... charlotte.

doesn't charlotte look thrilled?????????

she's looking and listening for me to come and open the door so she can escape....

moving outside for some natural light....

the end.