Saturday, October 31, 2009

2009 halloween festivities

one evening paully decided to have a hot dog roast in the front yard. now that was my kind of camping. the kids were all clean, we could go inside and wash our hands and best of all we could tuck them all in in their own beds and have a good nights rest. the kids loved this. i guess they like hot dogs, paul bought a package of 8, i didn't eat one and paul didn't get one. they stuffed their little faces. can you tell they don't get them very often?
snuggle snuggle!
i really hope the wax coating on the hangers wasn't toxic!
ketchup face
next we roasted marshmallows on our fancy roaster. it's just not camping without s'mores!! what a great evening.
the next evening we carved pumpkins. for some reason or another, not so fun. the kids were tired, arguing, and no one wanted to get their hands dirty. but they all wanted to be in the exact same spot to watch.
not feeling so photogenic...
paul did a great job especially since he did not have the proper pumpkin carving tools.
D had her famous school parade. she said before she got there that she was not going to participate. she doesn't like people looking at her. i don't know how that is going to work with her life's dream of being on stage...
she had her head in the basket for awhile. but took it out to walk next to a friend. they had a party in their class, cookies, juice, candy, carving a pumpkin.... lots of fun!
i think p scrubs really likes the new purple wig.
S went over to my talented neighbors house to get some purple fairy make up. it exceeded my expectations. she looked gorgeous!
here's dorothy. she was feeling a little nervous. after she ate 2 plates of food, we figured out she was just hungry.
S was a purple fairy.
L was a beautiful wonder woman.
S was a cute little pumpkin.
Noni was a witch, but not acting like one because she put all the food together while i was putting the kids together. and my friend sarah brought over my fav hummus and pita chips. thanks guys!
cutest star wars family ever!
best family pic. i'm a sister wife and pscrubs is a birthday present. most people didn't know i was dressed up, they just thought i was weird. i thought the hair would give it away. don't ask me why i always go for the most unflattering halloween costumes. next year i'm doing something hot!
popeye and the birthday present.
popeye, olive oil and sweet pea.
ready to get some candy!
i can't believe we are going to get candy in these bags!!
scary smoking fountain!!! we ended up having a great time trick-or-treating. this was the first year the big kids really liked it. in past years they get tired, get stomach aches and get really weepy half way thru. D was ready to go a little earlier. she went home with olive oil. she said she was done and had enough candy. right after that we spotted a neighbor with only 1 kid on his golf cart! we filled that right up. he took us to the "scary" houses. L got really scared when a mummy with a chain saw came right at her. S was yelling "you're not real!!" the 2 little ones just grabbed their candy and said that it was really "pooky!"

the kids went right to bed and are just now waking up at 9:15!!! what a night!


The Richardson's said...

It was super fun!!!!!!

Anonymous said... all the pics and LOVE your costume...hysterical! Looks like you guys lived it up on Halloween :)

flourish by mindy said...

Looks like you all had a fabulous time! And, my dear sister, I love your costume! You look hot not matter what!

Lorie said...

Looks like you all had lots of FUN too. Don't you just love it? It is like we get to re-live our youth through our kids.

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

the hot dog roast looks so fun, I love the set up

drmom said...

It sounds like it was awesome! But I must say I am even more upset about our Halloween fiasco because I see how much fun we COULD have had :-) There is always next year. LOVE the Birthday present idea!