Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas 2014

In no particular order, here are mostly warm & fuzzy moments from our Christmas break. Other than the fighting that occurs when the children are home nonstop on break, I'd say this was a pretty perfect Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at my dads house with our cousins, had a beautiful Mass that night, S did a fabulous job on the first reading & the other 3 girls sang in the choir. Even with the repeated threats of vomit and several bathroom trips, it was still special enough to choke back tears of thankfulness. Especially when my mom & sis & her kids showed up. We all sat together with friends in the very front of the church. I loved it. 
We had lots of family time, a fancy prime rib dinner at my mom's, a quick trip up north for a few days and then a fabulous evening at a friends house to ring in the new year.
I'm going easy on myself this year and my only New Years resolution is to hike more this year. That shouldn't be hard since I only hiked twice last year.
So good luck with all of your resolutions and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you! That's to you mom & Sarah :)

I never did catch the stinker that originally did this. Once they knew that I thought it was funny, they all claimed to be the clever one. Except for little S, she stayed appalled at the idea.

We started a Yule log, or buche de Noel if you will, tradition on the 3rd Sunday in advent. We were all pretty pumped to dive into that thing.

This guy couldn't be happier with his gifts. 

Enjoying the glow & warmth from a fire.

My schmoopies all dressed up.


Kellie said...

Is Jude a southpaw?! ;)

susiek said...

Lovely family. You're a lucky and hardworking mama!

Peace and Love said...

Hey - I will hike with you ANYTIME!!!! Bring it on....

Anonymous said...
