Sunday, October 7, 2012


the boy found some boots.

                                   when you can't get a sitter, have a double date at the park!
                                      here are our lovely friends at our fancy italian restaurant...
                                       now our saturdays have been renamed soccer saturday.
                                              after D's game, we head to daddy's game.
                                 the kids bring lots of toys and gatorade to keep themselves busy.

one night we were lucky enough to hang out with these two kids.
this little man was baptized.
it was precious.
little S approving her new "russian" inspired curtains.
we finally finished this puzzle.
but alas, we were missing one peice!
luckily daddy found it somewhere several days later.

this boy is starting a new habit.
silently sneaking out of his crib after we put him to bed.
who knows where he will turn up next.


flourish by mindy said...

Love it all! Especially the park date!!

rotner ramblings said...

So happy to see pictures! Love your creative date night.

Elizabeth Anne said...

LOVE those curtains!!!!!!

Peace and Love said...

So good to see everyone....and I know that puzzle intimately, It seems like I worked on it all summer!