Tuesday, December 7, 2010


there just isn't enough time in the day anymore it seems. i don't like being this busy. i need to have spontaneity in my life or i get a little claustrophobic. i can feel the plans and schedules wrapping around my neck. yuck. at least it is all mostly things i want to do, but the things that are not getting done are piling up.... junk piles, forts never put away, dishes, no decorations out yet, trying to lose 10 lbs, you know, to look good for all the Christmas parties.....

here are just a few that are on my mind this morning....

1. somehow a tube of pink lipstick was washed with the 4 white jcrew dresses i just bought for the girls. grrrrrrrrr

2. i am sick. grrrr......

3. the dishwasher is not cleaning the unending dishes.. which makes them even more never ending

4. the tree that paul and i picked out is indeed crooked, which the guy assured us that the hole was drilled in straight. well, the hole is stretched out so it is very very crooked when it is on our stand. i swear i am buying a fake one this year.

5. i need to write so many thank yous. i hate it when i don't have time for that... because i am soooo thankful for the things that our friends and family do for us.

6. i am pretty sure D is sick too. no fever... but i heard strep throat is going around. what are the signs of that???

7. baby R is doing sooo much better. he is eating baby food and gaining weight. he is adorbs... however he is unbelievably spoiled. he literally will not let us put him down. he has so many people who hold him all day long that he gets mad... really really mad if no one is holding him. little stinker. my grandma was trying to help me break him of this habit while we were in indiana. she suggested i lay him down and let him cry it out a little. she was feeling good about the decision... see look! he's doing fine! she said relieved. well, i had to remind her that her hearing isn't what it used to be. when she put her ear up to the door she heard the screaming.

8. i really want to craft and bake. anyone want to have a craft and baking day?

9. i really need to go prepare the backyard for the pony i am going to get for Christmas.

10. paul keeps taking all my prenatal vitamins and calls them multi vitamins


flourish by mindy said...

i want to have a baking/crafting day!!! my days are busy too..never enough time.
sorry you're sick. :(

Elizabeth said...

if it makes you feel better - i was sick last week and Sean did the laundry. he washed a 'whole' pack of gum and didn't notice when changing the clothes from the washer and dryer!?!?!
oh well -i spent a day getting the 'flavor crystals' out of the clothes and steel wooling the dryer. still not totally clean . . . . but, it works! hooray!
i SO wish i could be home - i would help you and craft and bake!!!!! maybe we could do a skype session?

The Richardson's said...

I want to craft and bake!!!!!!!!!!

Lorie said...

If you have Cox on TV put on the channel 925. It is called Party Favorites Music. I always put this on when I have to do some major cleaning and then I just think I am having a party! :) It works for me. Maybe baby R can dance along to the tunes too. :) And Ditto with everything you said about time and stuff to do and being sick. We are all sick now and I haven't slept good in weeks because of it! And I need to make 6 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange for this Friday! And a bird costume for A for next week besides all the other x-mas stuff! Pray & Party songs! :)

Mattie said...

Me too! I would love to ctaft and bake!

Anonymous said...

paul's gonna get preg.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear I am not the only mom who needs a giant tub of chocolate and a time-out for MYSELF! lol. Hang in there...the holidays are always nutty. January should be nice and boring for us...right? I tell myself that to help get through the holidays :)