these last two weeks have been busy. we were having some
difficulties adjusting to school hours, keeping the house picked up,
attitudes towards each other, etc. we decided the kids needed to have some consistency in their story writing (and hand writing). their new job was to write a
good paragraph everyday after school. for some this may be a 5 min. project, for
others.... a
4 hour project. well we stayed consistent, as hard as it was to deal with, they eventually improved. all last week the stories were very cute, well-written and thought out. i am proud of them. on one of the particularly
difficult nights, after the kids were in bed, i decided i had better take a trip up to
wallgreens to clear my head. i rode my
awesome bike (which, as it turns out, is very tight and makes for a very good work out). i arrived at
wallgreens and they let me park it inside
(it's a very cool bike that i'm sure someone else would want too). i wandered around, picked up some
necessities and went to check out. as the cashier was checking me out, she let me know they were having a special on the
oreo brownie cookies for only $.99.
hello! i'm not falling for that one again! i
no thank you, put my purchases in my basket and started my ride back. i felt
so much better when i got home. it's amazing what a little
exercise and some fresh air can do to give you some