Tuesday, July 28, 2009

9 years old

how could this be? it seems like just yesterday this little rosebud was my whole life!
we took so many pictures of this beautiful child. we couldn't believe she was ours!
and the outfits.... between myself, her god-parents, my mom and my grandma, we just couldn't get enough cute outfits!
dressing up, pretending... how did these years fly by?
well, lucky for us you are still impressing us with your unique outfit choices, your crazy laugh, your sharp memory and your beautiful imagination. happy birthday my rose! i love you so much and am so lucky to have you as a daughter!


flourish by mindy said...

Happy birthday Rose!!! You made me cry, N!!! The pictures are beautiful...I can't believe how much little S looks like her!

Anonymous said...

She is darling...all of your girls are.

drmom said...

Oh I just have to sigh! Happy Happy B-day you big girl!