Monday, June 29, 2009

best dad ever

thank you for being the best dad i could ever imagine for my babies.

thank you for doing things like this when you travel....
for being hot....

for making a big deal about the shirt and tie cards the girls made...

for traveling with all of us...
having 4 daughters makes you stronger...

for taking the time to pay attention to the little things...
for smiling even when a screaming banshee is on your shoulders...
yeah she is....
for making all the girls want to marry you when they grow up...
for setting a wonderful example and instilling great expectations in our girls...
for unfortunate poses...
for making them feel special...
for wearing your hat backwards...
for all that you do and more. we love you.


Anonymous said...

LOL...cute pics. What a sweet post. Sounds like you and your darling daughters are lucky girls for sure!

Jay & Leta Palmer said...

Love this post! What a good daddy and hubs!