Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3rd grade, she knows it all

S was having some special time with noni, grandma and grandpa. they were riding in the car and pulled up to a red light. my grandpa was reading the bumper stickers on the car in front of them... quite loud and over and over. he read one several times that said..
"religion is nothing more than a cult, but with more people"
my grandma and grandpa began to ponder aloud what they thought that meant. my mom started to panic a little, thinking that she didn't want S to be spouting that out at a later date and also that it is probably not something to be discussed with an 8 yr. old.
 so, my grandma finally turns to S and asks...
" S, do you know what a cult is?"
S looks at her and says..
"of course I know what a cult is."
they were all ears now, waiting for her response.
" a cult is a baby horse and i know that because i'm in the 3rd grade." almost annoyed at such a baby question.
they were all relieved and changed the subject to something more juvenile.


The Richardson's said...

That is great. Totally an episode of a tv show. How wonderfully innocent. I love it.

sixwinks said...

She needs to know that it is our favorite team! I know you guys are all about cardinals now!