Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 random things

this was going around on facebook so i thought it could double as a blog post.......

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I was born on Friday the 13th.

2. I knew I was going to marry Paul the moment I saw him. ( does anyone remember me saying that??) I was 12.

3. Every Christmas, after all presents are opened, I still look outside for a pony.

4. I love to travel and show my kids the world. We have taken them all over the U.S., Mexico, Italy, Germany, Austria and Ireland.

5. I love to play games. I am ridiculously good at pictionary. Undefeated. Challenge?? My FAV thing to do is play games with my family. We don't play pictionary tho, no fun for anyone else. Also, I want to beat the Jenga record someday. Quip it. Need I say more?

6. I love antiques, old things, old stories, old pictures. I could look at pictures for hours. I love taking pictures too. I am obsessed. Anyone who has been to my house knows I have issues with pictures. I even have them taped to the wall next to the computer.

7. Someone at our wedding toasted us and said we would have 5 girls someday. We have 4 so far.

8. I graduated from ASU in 3.5 years

9. I close my eyes when I bite into things.

10. I love to sew. I love to make my girls matching outfits. I love to find patterns from the 50's and recreate the dresses. Sad thing is, I'm not very good at it. I don't let that stop me.

11. I want to memorize the whole Thriller dance before I die.

12. I know pretty much all the words to any Paul Simon song. He's not my favorite, I do like him, but I just know all the words for some reason.

13. I could probably win a chocolate chip cookie eating contest. It would be scary.

14. I love to add rubber bands to my rubber band ball. It makes me so happy to see it grow. (I am really scaring myself here)

15. I am a closet Christian music fan. I love it. The words make me so happy (and drown out the sounds of screaming kids in the car). I don't like the DJ's tho. I turn it down when they start talking.

16. I ran a half marathon to say goodbye to my 20's. And I am not a runner! I do want to be really good at tennis tho. Long way to go for that one.

17. I have never broken a bone or been in a hot air balloon.

18. I have a good memory. I almost always remember faces and places and can put them together quickly. I usually end up looking like a stalker when this happens.

19. I ripped my earring out of my ear when I was 7 and never had it sewn back together. Just had it pierced again right above the rip.

20. I was a lifeguard during college. Made 3 rescues.

21. I am very thankful for my family and feel very blessed to have such a great husband. I can't begin to list the thoughtful things he does for me and our girls. Can you tell he's out of town? It makes me miss him. Thanks for putting dinner in the crock pot so I didn't have to make dinner pDubs!

22. All of my girls have a flower name.

23. I love to watch movies. We watch a movie almost every night, sometimes 2. I like to stay up very late. I cannot go to sleep without the TV on or if Paul is already asleep.

24. I am sad to say, I LOVE blogs and shopping. I love to read blogs until my eyes start burning. I love to shop until my feet start burning. I love the thrill of finding a really good deal.

25. We don't have a microwave.


The Richardson's said...

OMG- This one was really good. I have done these before but this one was the best.

When Matthew sleeps...hahahaha...I will get started on mine and make a blog post!

So many things I did not know about you. AND I absolutely challenge you to Pictionary- any time, anywhere!

flourish by mindy said...

Love it! My favorite is the "looking for the pony"...I can see you doing that! And I have never broken a bone or had a hot air balloon ride either! I'm up for the balloon ride!