Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas bliss

i just had to share some of the fun things we have been doing to make the most of the holiday magic. my dad and stepmom had a dinner @ their house complete with games and an ice cream sundae bar ( a vat of homemade fudge) i helped myself to just a little. i don't eat much..... HA!
also i went to a christmas craft party with my big girl S. it was fun to spend the evening with just her. we decided to turn our tree into an angel tree. we made blank ornaments for the tree, and when the girls notice someone being extra nice or helpful, they write it down on the oranments and display it on the tree. i already wrote one for D, she is very aware and is always there when you need her, right in the nick of time. we had a blast eating yummy food, going on a hay ride and singing christmas carols. S was not afraid to jump right in there and lead. she must have inhereted my awesome singing talents. (i also noticed this talent at a kareoke birthday party where she belted out breakaway about 10 times.)

1 comment:

flourish by mindy said...

That fudge looks awesome! Glad you came to the guys made it fun!