we were off to a very slow start this morning....
but that's because we had so much fun last night.
i really wish i would've taken pictures of all the trading that went on post trick-or-treating.
it was a major affair.
it was getting dark by the time we pulled out the camera... so these pics are kinda blurry.
R was a cowboy, but refused to wear his bandana & hat. he never once forgot about the gun tho.
L was katniss from the hunger games. she looks a lot like her... people tell het that all the time.
D was a candy corn witch.
S was an angel.
S was a peacock.
moustatch girl, wwwhhhhaaattttaaarrreeeyyooouuudddoooiinnggghhheerree???, and some sort of emperor/goddess/roman.
awww. the sweetest angel.
the whole group ready to go.
happy halloween!!!!!